Destiny's child

The Fresh Prince of LA

Star among stars

Internationally known
"Play the front row seat watching Iverson...first class aircrafts when I'm flying in...to LA...Shaq, Eddie, Kobe Bryant, and them..."
Beanie Sigel - Adrenaline
Two-weeks after Kobe Bryant scored an unfathomable 81 points against the Toronto Raptors, he and I were to sit down for an interview in Los Angeles. I made the 3,000-mile trek from Philly International to LAX...from there it was a short hop to the Lakers front office and practice facility in El Segundo.
I took my place among the media and waited patiently for Bryant. He emerged from the locker room and informed me that he had something more pressing to do, and that he would call me later. I reluctantly agreed and proceeded to call Rob Pelinka, his agent. Since I had more time than I would have liked on my hands, I ventured to LA to take in the sights, window shop, and perhaps head over to Fat Burger or Carl's Jr. for some savory west coast flavor. As the day progressed and light turned into shadows, then darkness, I realized that my interview with Bryant wasn't going to happen, at least not on this day...and just when I gave up all hope...my cell phone rang. It was almost to the effect that an alarm clock has during the serenity of REM sleep.
I was excited...this was the call I'd been waiting my entire career for, so I answered in a very non-descript voice, with my Philly twang...Hah-LO. The voice on the other line belonged to Pelinka, as he told me that he had Kobe on the line, and that he is really sorry...something came up.
"What up Kolb?" I said. "My bad Ant...I couldn't do it today. I had some stuff to take care of with Vanessa." He replied, sounding as if he was torn between his family, and his fam. "It's all good man. We can sit down another time...but you know what?" "What's up?" responses Bryant. "I want to write a story unlike no other. I really want to take it from West Philly to LA and back again. I want this story to hit hard man...I want this to set all the records straight, as to inspire the young bawhs! You're the DARK KNIGHT." There was that brief awkward silence, and then he said, 'yeah! I have some DARK KNIGHT in me!
I have since interviewed him numerous times, as I feel that day was a proving ground...a trail by fire if you will, showing KB that I didn't take anything for granted, but that I am a journalist and if I didn't first succeed, that I will try, try, again. TV, print, Internet, or otherwise, he has always made time for me, no matter the medium.
Hard work and diligence are words that come to mind when thinking of Kobe, and I know that he can recognize my pain, hunger, work ethic, and respect, and in turn I've been rewarded with one-on-one interviews and a genuine friendship.
This morning, I woke up early with pre-game jitters as if I had to suit up and play against Australia. In a crazy moment, that I am almost embarrassed to admit, I fell victim to the media hype surrounding Team USA. I know that Team USA is for real, and I understand that they will win the gold, however every time I read something or watch TV, the "experts" are warning me about the opposing team. I don't know much about the teams of the world, however I know that any team with Kobe, LeBron, Dwyane Wade, Carmelo Anthony, Dwight Howard and Jason Kidd has more than a fair chance at VIC-TOR-Y, as Johnny Drama would say.
I prayed promptly before game time, giving God thanks, all the while asking for grace for the players and the outcome of the game. Yes its that serious for me. Nevertheless, I'm so upset that I allow the so-called basketball guru's scare me like something of out an Orson Welles broadcast. I know better, because I know Kobe Bean Bryant, and he won't stop until the Redeem Team lives up to their moniker.
If you ever watch Kobe play you will see how good he really is. The man is talented. Say what you want about him, however your eyes will not deceive you. It is in those few instances that you have to pay attention, because he can turn it on at the bat of an eye. During today's match against the Aussies, I saw that familiar look in his body language that reads you can't stop me, and this game is over!
When Bryant starts shaking his head, and when you can read the word NO on his lips, then the opposing team needs to run for cover, because its not over until he says so. He shook his head to the tune of 25 points and 5 assists.
Team USA 116 - Australia 85
So how did he get like this? That's the million dollar question, and I've asked him as recently as June. His answer, "I'm just determined. I don't know...I've always been like this."
Kobe Bryant is not only the league MVP, but he is also as most consider him, to be the best player on the planet.
The date was March 6, 1996 and my best friend Brandon King and I went to go cheer on the Minnesota Timberwolves against our hapless Philadelphia 76ers. We were cheering against the home team not because we wanted them to “tank it” and get Allen Iverson in June…no, nothing like that. It was because we were there to cheer on University of Pennsylvania alum Jerome “Pooh” Allen, who was so legendary in the neighborhood, that he had the entire city trying to emulate his signature through the legs, behind the back cross over move. I don’t remember seeing Allen play because little did I know as a fresh faced teen that the NBA is a business, and when you have a high school player on your squad that was drafted with the 5th pick overall, he plays. While the accomplished Ivy League, and Philadelphia hero that was taken in the 2nd round, 20th pick, 49th overall sits the bench, and continues to work extremely hard in practice. I didn’t understand the politics, but it was there that I decided that I didn’t like Flip Saunders as a head coach.
Minnesota won the game 103-90, and it was the play of Kevin Garnett that really stood out. Here he is not that much older than I and he is playing in the NBA. I was both encouraged and perplexed. You have to understand that when I was growing up playing ball in the Sonny Hill League, the message revolved around two things, education and the game. Even the legend Rasheed Wallace went to college, so when Garnett skipped higher learning, people were surprised. Which brings me to another point…I was so frustrated with Flip Saunders for not putting Jerome Allen in the game that I began to concentrate less on the Wolves, and more on the people around me. As I scanned the audience for a fine “hunny”, I saw a young man that looked as if he were studying for a final exam, rather than watching a basketball game. It was Kobe Bryant, the younger brother of my crush Sharia. You see his oldest sister Sharia played volleyball at Temple University and at 5′10″ she not only excelled at the sport, she made it look GOOD. I became friends with her thinking that if I couldn’t get a date, I could at least befriend her.
One day after mustering up some courage, I told her that I play basketball and she smiled and says ‘yeah, well you can’t beat my little brother! I didn’t know who she was talking about so I said, ‘go get your brother…and a few days later I was standing in front of her 6′3″ younger brother with a look that spelled anger, so after denying the facts, I naturally wanted to get on his good side and befriend him also.
By the time I saw Kobe at that 76ers game I was comfortable enough with him to speak, but I decided not to because of the way he was “enjoying” the game. I never saw anything like it and by June 26, everything made sense. Bryant was drafted 13th by the Charlotte Hornets and later traded to the Los Angeles Lakers for Vlade Divac.
He was in fact studying that game, and more specifically he was concentrating on Kevin Garnett and how he faired as a high school prodigy against the likes of the NBA. It was no secret in Philadelphia that Kobe had been practicing at St. Joseph’s University against the 76ers, giving Jerry Stackhouse headaches, so he didn’t lack for confidence, I just figured that he wanted to see someone else put in work to make his argument to enter the draft a little more solid.
It was the classic scenario of student learning from teacher.
Now Bryant is the teacher, and the world is his classroom.
Wow there is a lot of great information in this story! I know that Team USA will win the gold. They are too good :)
AG, If anyone can do a good feature on Kobe, it has to be you.
To think at that age, most of us are just excited to be in a stadium watching these players, Kobe is taking notes. Only goes to reasses the point of how deep is love is for this game.
His will alone makes the ''Redeem Team'' that much better and having lost his shot at a 4th title makes it even more difficult to think he is going to let this team fall.
It's also a good thing you didn't follow up on that 1-on-1.
Bruce Wayne, I mean...Kobe Bryant is a special talent that the game of basketball sees every so often, and for that reason alone, I wish that more people in the States would appreciate him.
Thank you Karen, and thank you Christopher for stopping by and reading the truth about KB24.
Wow! If your trying to make me a Kobe fan... its working. Stop it!
He is a Philadelphian and we should be happy for him. Good to see that my stories are bringing you to the light!
Now you're converting people? Good work AG.
If you haven't seen this already, I think it might answer a question you posed not too long ago.
Mr. President.
Philly twang...lol
Thanx 4 showing a HUMAN side of Kobe! Watching him on the court - ball hog comes to mind when I think of him..LOL...with a host of other evil thoughts.
I'm not certain if your masterpiece on him has been written yet, but I sure would love to lay my eyes upon your words! =) - CaT
ps - what ever happened w/ ur crush? lol
Kobe isn't a ball hog, but you are by all means entitled to your opinion. As for my greatest work on KB...its going to be written with his help. That's the only way I can really make it happen.
As for the crush...I got over it, LOL.
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