

"Black prodigy since the age of twenty...I can write a rhyme, rip it up and write a next one, right on the spot, sign my name with a dot... "
Sadat X - Punks Jump to Get Beat Down
My father is one of 7 children. His oldest sister Claudia, also known as my Aunt "Cookie" used to always call me Tiger. At first she would only say it when referencing me to others, and then one day while I was outside sweeping and cleaning the front and side of the house she told me that I reminded her of Tiger Woods. She did in fact feel that we looked alike, however it was my ubiquitous hat that did the trick. Coincidentally, my grandmother also thought I looked like him, as she will more often than not say in her country drawl, "Antho-knee, I saw Tagh-er, today, and I think he looks just like you!"
I've always worn caps. Its been a way for me to support my favorite teams, or to add some flair to my wardrobe, and once my family suggested that I reminded them of Eldrick "Tiger" Woods, I became intrigued and later inspired by the black golfer with the unique name.
Nike recently did a commercial that aired on Father's Day 2008, to celebrate the special bond between Tiger and his father Earl Woods. From the time I first saw it, I understood the message, and I use it to push me further in my own career. I even asked my friend Dez at Nike's advertising agency, Weiden+Kennedy, to send me a copy of the campaign. I wanted it on DVD so I could watch it whenever I needed to hear its message, or share it with someone that I thought could appreciate it.
Whenever I have a big assignment, or if I am about to venture on something important, I will either bring that commercial along with me, or I'll take a few minutes to watch it before leaving the house.
Thank you Tiger, for everything.
I've never seen that commercial before until NOW.
That is truly a great tribute to his father knowing how close they were and still are and what his father meant to his development.
I don't know how a 1 minute spot can put things into perspective, but that commercial speaks volumes.
I love this commercial! Nike didn't play it enough, though. I can definately see why you carry your own copy.
This commercial is really something special, and I am happy I can share it with others.
lovely commercial and I can see it; u looking like Tiger, lol =)
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