Grand finale

3rd base line
The last dance

The Bronx Zoo

AG. and the Captain
"I'm a public enemy but I don't rob banks, I don't shoot bullets, and I don't shoot blanks...my style is supreme, number 1 is my rank...and I got more power than the New York Yanks..."
Chuck D - Miuzi Weighs a Ton
The best baseball park on planet closed its hallowed doors yesterday, and while I shudder at the fact that I missed the closing ceremony both in person and on television, I revel in the memories from the cathedral. From Lou Gehrig's speech, Larson's perfect game, Reggie's 3 homeruns in the '77 World Series, Charlie Hayes catching the final out in '96, Boomer and Coney on the mound, Bernie Williams and Paul O'Neill patrolling the out field, Jeter's dive into the stands against Boston, and millions more, the games and hours that I spent in that building will stay with me forever.
I'm from Philadelphia so the question is how did I become such an avid fan of the New York Yankees? Well to best answer that, my family on my father's side is from Brooklyn and Queens so naturally/unnaturally they are fans of the New York Mets. At the time of my arrival to the city that never sleeps the Mets were the top dog, and their cross town rival the Yanks were less than stellar. My hometown team the Philadelphia Phillies, are the arch enemy of the Mets so I became a Yankees fan.
I love baseball (some would say that I'm fanatical) and I have since become quite fond of both the Yankees and Phillies, but if I had to pick one team to root for...it would be the Bronx Bombers. My mother coincidentally is a Chicago Cubs fan, but that's another story. My favorite players are Willie Mays, Reggie Jackson, Ken Griffey Jr. and Derek Jeter. Of course there are others, from the past and present, but I don't want to turn this into a baseball who's who, so I'll stop while I'm ahead.
I have been going to Yankee Stadium every year since they won their first World Series in the modern era back in 1996. I missed 2007 because I lived too far from New York to travel comfortably in one day by car or train (I did however catch them against the Orioles in Baltimore on the cusp of A-Rod's 500th HR), and this year I've missed seeing them altogether, as I've been working like a madman to pick up the pieces in this crazy economy. If Sunday night was the last Yankees game to ever be played in the "House that Ruth built", then my final memory would forever be from the last game I attended there on September 29, 2006.
I would often attend games alone, because very few of my friends like the Yankees or baseball for that matter. On that night I not only had two tickets, but a willing taker...my friend from school, Patricia. I don't remember much from that game aside from the hot dogs, souvenir cup, and cold autumn night, but I was excited for no reason other than I was at a baseball game in the Bronx, cheering for my team, with a good friend, and in those moments...life can be as the Wu-Tang Clan once echoed, so simple.
I'll miss the old stadium already, however I look forward to fresh memories in the new place. I drove by the old and new parks last week when I was driving south from the George Washington Bridge on the Harlem River Drive, and I could hardly keep my eyes on the road ahead of me because those buildings were a sight for my baseball weary eyes. One day I hope to pass the Yankees pride and tradition on to my family, but until that day (when I grow up) I'll continue to support the team wherever they play...near and far.
And I'd like to thank my friend Danielle who not only started watching baseball and the Yankees because of me...but she attended last night's game with some friends from her job...and while she didn't take any pictures...she thought of me and called from within the halls of the best place in sports. So what did I do...I missed her call because I was in a meeting.
Can't win 'em all!
I watched the majority of the last game and I was genuinely sad when Mo got that last out. It was only right that Pettite started, Jeter got the last Yankee at bat and Mo got the last out. I'm so disappointed they didn't make the post season, but whatever. I made my way to Yankee Stadium for the first and last time on my birthday August 1. I had a great time and I'm glad I got to experience that. Hopefully it won't take me so many years to visit the new stadium, although in my opinion they shouldn't be moving just yet. Maybe its just me, but the stadium didn't seem to be in that bad of shape......
I agree with you 100%. I am sad about the move across the street as well. I don't get it, and while my last visit to the stadium was further back than you, I don't see any major reason to move. This is Yankee Stadium where the magic has been happening for decades.
Oh well, I will be sure to get up the the Bronx next season, and hopefully the team gets some pitching so they can go back to the Playoffs.
I mean if Fenway and Wrigley can still stay open Yankee Stadium can too. I hate that sports is so dominated by corporate sponsors and luxury boxes and just anything to make a sporting event feel like an exclusive you gotta know somebody to get in event. All this amounts to is the Yankees are worth a billion dollars so they have to look the part. It's cosmetic and I hate it. When its so quiet in there that you can hear a pin drop because they've priced out the regular people.............
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