NL Champions


"Are they still getting down where we used to go and dance? Will our ball club win the pennant...do you think they have a chance..."
Marvin Gaye - What's Happening Brother
15 years ago, I was but a young teen just learning my way, as I often adhered to my parent's teachings, and the life lessons taught to me via the outside world. Last night the Philadelphia Phillies chased away doubt, and provided the championship starved City of Brotherly Love with a glimmer of hope that hasn't been seen since 1993.
'93 til Infinity
My first professional sports memory would be of my father taking my brother and I to Veterans Stadium to see the Phillies. It seemed like a lifetime ago, as I didn't understand baseball or sports for that matter back then. It's interesting how things twist and turn in our lifetime, as I went from being ignorant and apathetic about sports, to making a career being as knowledgeable about it as possible...writing about everyone from Tiger Woods, to Kobe Bryant.
Last night in the crisp southern California night, the Phillies beat the Los Angeles Dodgers to capture the 2008 National League Pennant, earning a trip to the World Series for the first time since I used school tokens, and carried a bag lunch. During those years, I wanted to be on television, covering the NBA. The fact that my home team was playing for the championship didn't mean much to me, as basketball was the only thing on my mind...well that, and a few girls. At that time it was Raquel Hernandez, Mimi Crespo, Selene Mendez, and several others, but when I say my mom had very strict rules, I'm not exaggerating. Rule number 1: NO GIRLS, so I focused on my dream of playing and one day working in sports.
Fast forward to the present day, and I don't have to worry about my mother's rules anymore, however its funny how I can still hear her voice as I navigate through my adult life. Nevertheless, the Phillies are vying for supremacy of Major League Baseball and I'm now living my dream covering sports. One goal is fulfilled, and others remain a work in progress.
Do I have a girlfriend...technically no...I also don't have my own half-hour sports show either.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Go Phillies!
Photo credits: Gilbert family, www.nicekicks.com
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