Rookie Year

Freshman Year


"I got it sewn, I'm so authentic...and you're not official like a ref at a scrimmage..."
Wale - Daytona Squared
Yesterday I drove to DC to cover the Wizards versus Heat game. I picked up my good friend Michael and we were on our way. Once we got on I-95 near the Chester exit, we were greeted with some traffic and a host of snow flurries. It's been really cold lately, just how I like it, nevertheless it would take more than some precipitation to deter me from a trip home.
Freshman 15
My uncle graduated from Temple University about 20-years ago, and upon receiving his degree he moved to the nation's capital, and began working for the government. My family is from West Philadelphia, so when my uncle moved below the Mason-Dixon Line, it provided the rest of us with a new place to visit, and for my brother and I...it gave us somewhere to spend the summer months.
The DMV (DC/Maryland/Virginia), is a great place, as it has been a hotbed for politics, sports, and other things both good and bad, however for my intents and purposes, its the athletes and fervor for sports that I love the most about the area...well that and the beautiful women, but that is another story.
I used to coach youth basketball, and one of my BEST players was an 8th-grader at Gwynn Park Middle School, named BreAnna. To make a long story short, Gwynn Park Middle is known for their basketball talent, so when Bre went to high school she went to another powerhouse, Riverdale Baptist. I attended a few practices and one of her games, and it was from those encounters, that I first heard and met a young man named Michael Beasley.
He was a highly touted sophomore at the time, having transfered there from National Christian Academy. I was impressed by his natural ability, and by the fact he was such an agile person for his size. He was simply a shooting guard in a power forward's body, and most importantly, he is left-handed, which is like having a platinum engagement ring verses white gold. Yes being left-handed in basketball has its advantages.
Watching Beasley play with the Miami Heat was surreal. The main reason why, is because it seems like yesterday when he was in high school...but he's in the League now, and he and I had time to catch up after the game.
I interviewed Dwyane Wade first, because I really needed to talk to him for an assignment from HOOP Magazine. When I walked over Flash already had a crowd of reporters around him, so I waited until they dissipated to ask my questions. Before I could say a word, Wade greeted me saying..."what's up A? How are your mother and sister?" To which I replied..."hey Flash, they're good. I just have a few questions...cool?" "Yeah sure man", he answered but I usually see you in Philly, what are you doing down here?"..."Well I had to interview you, so I asked my friend if he wanted a ride...and we got in the Batmobile." I retorted, and he looked at me surprisingly saying..."the Batmobile?"
I'll go more in depth about that in another post, but for now, below is the final score on my conversation with Beasley:
Can you define what it means for you to be a basketball player from DC?
"It's unbelievable...I can name 3-million people that doubted me growing up, talking about I wouldn't be this and I wouldn't be that. So just to be here and be in my hometown now, and know that everybody loves me and supports what I do...it's breath taking."
Now that the NCAA season has started, are you able to follow the college game?
"[Pauses] Not as much as I want to, but I catch a couple of games...my brother [Nolan Smith] plays for Duke, so I caught their last 2 games.
Speaking of Nolan Smith, he is the starting point guard...your thoughts?
"[Smiles] He's doing what he has to do!"
What have you learned thus far being a rookie in this league?
"The league ain't no joke! I can tell you that...I mean, in high school and college you have your star players, and then you have players that shouldn't necessarily be on the court. Not in the NBA...you have your star players, and players that you think shouldn't be on the court, until you guard them man...and they are just as good as the star player you know? The league ain't no joke, you have to bring it everyday! I'm learning a lot about myself...on the defensive side, on the offensive side, but it's more so off the court."
This guys ceiling is very very very high as I believe, Be-Easy doesn't know how could he can actually be. I've had a chance to watch him once this NBA season and his debut against the Bulls in the summer league. The game comes so easy to this guy, you would think he has the script tattooed on his forearm.
PLaying with a leader like Dwyane Wade will help elevate his game even farther. He already has a mean streak which most rookies don't have and he seems like very even keel kind of guy.
Sky is the limit for Beasley.
In watching Beasley play in the past, he has yet to look comfortable in the league. Now this is just my opinion, however he will turn the corner and play like I know he can.
I think he's in a perfect situation to learn the pro game. he should benefit greatly from not necessarily having the "saviour of the franchise" thing to deal with. Well, at least not until possibly 2010.....
Good point CoCo, I hadn't thought of the possibility of Flash not being there...its going to be interesting to see how this turns out.
I don't really see D Wade leaving. I think Miami will pay him enough to stay if he proves he can remain healthy which is a big if. He could start by not falling down everytime he shoots....
Beasley is a natural talent. The way he handles the ball reminds me of Lamar Odom, but with a better shot. Odom is one of the toughest dudes to guard..how many peopl you know...6'11..grab the defensive rebound, take it all the way down the court, make a pass or take a shot? that's a gift. If Beasley turns into that kind of Player he can be Scottie Pippen type. The sky is the limit for him. I agree..he does seem a bit "uncomfortable" but in a few years the league is going to belong to him and fellow rookies OJ Mayo and D. Rose. Time will only tell.
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