What has this season been like, as a team? “I know our potential…I can see our potential getting better everyday…things we do on and off the court, it reminds me of the days when I was back in high school. Every time we went out on the court…we knew we were going to win. It was never a doubt. We’ve had guys nicked up, and out for long periods of time, I’m not talking about 1-week or 2-games…we’ve had key guys that have been out 4-6 weeks, you know 2-3 months and guys have been able to step in, and still have been able to hold serve, so this could probably be the hungriest I’ve been because I can see the potential of our team.”
What drives you? “I think what drives me is wanting to be the best player every night I go on the basketball court, and for me to continue to get better as an individual. I think I have a long way…of course I haven’t hit the peak of my career yet but every night I go out I want to be the best player on the court, so that’s the kind of drive.”
Talk about your friendship with Kobe and Dwyane Wade: “I think it’s great, I think it’s great…I think it’s great for the league that arguably the three best players in the league, are in an MVP race, and it hasn’t been like this in a long time. I mean, take nothing away from Steve Nash…great player, but when he was winning, Kobe, and myself, and D Wade were still the best players in the league, you know so…you have three guys that everyone says are the best players in the league…are in the MVP race…I think it’s great man. It’s tribute to the summer that we had…we all made each other work hard everyday. The games came easy to us but the things that we’ve been able to do with our teams are great, we love it, we take the challenge every night.”
Photos: Associated Press and Nathaniel S. Butler/NBAE via Getty Images
The most over hyped player in NBA history, and he surpassed expectations. The guy is a beast...in due time, he will better his jumpshot and then he will truly be scary. Congrats to King James. LA and CLE in the Finals. LA in 6...LOL Ant holla at me.
Man I couldn't agree with you more. And aside from his game, he is a really good person off the court.
True story!
I can't be more happier with how this guy has progressed and made a mockery really out of all the hyppe and the questions people have had when he first came into the league. I can't remember who it was that said he would just be a good NBA role player, but I assume no one else can remember either.
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