Calm before the storm
"You're messing with this joker, but you need a KING..."
Kanye West - Magic Man
The "Dream" Finals with LeBron James pitted against Kobe Bryant failed to come to fruition, so instead of moving forward on the series that begins this Thursday...many members of the media have decided to harp on the what happened last week...when LeBron, after losing to the Magic, walked off the court without congratulating his competition.
So what do I think or feel about this "so-called" situation...well I will say that I cannot wait to get to my assigned seat at the Finals so I can do what I do best, and that is stick to the script. If I were LBJ, and lost, I'm not sure what I would do? Let's give this man some credit for playing hard and giving his best to his team and the game of basketball.
It is easy to throw stones at him, but the pain that night was so deep that the best thing he could do was to do nothing at all. Top tier athletes dedicate their lives to the sport they excel in. As a journalist I run 2-miles per day to stay in top shape for my 4 TV appearances a year, and if I arrived at the TV studio and the producer decided they didn't need me, I'd do my best to mask my feelings. I'd be upset, but it would be best not to say anything to save myself from making a mistake.
I'm not making excuses for anyone. I can only be responsible for my actions, however I can understand what happened. And to all you highly paid, out of shape, unprofessional media experts, I'll see you in my thoughts during my workouts...we are all ordinary people...even LeBron James.
I respect that he may have been too emotional that night to shake hands or even speak to reporters. Its the response he gave us afterwards that has me giving him the side eye, lol. I think he should have been a tad more humble and not try to take from the shine of Orlando. An apologetic response with congratulations to the whole Orlando team for a good game, would have been better.
My son balls and HATES when his AAU team loses, especially when on the road. It's not an option for him to show respect to the winning team - I feel doing so keeps one grounded. Sure Lebron is a winner, no one doubted that; he's MVP! He has been shown a lot of love lately and it wouldn't have been so hard to show respect to the winning team. He says he hit Dwight, but its more than Dwight on the team. I'm sure he hates to be singled out as the man who runs his whole team, so singling out Dwight was not respectful of the hard work the rest of the team put it; they ALL stepped up....
In closing (lol)....I feel what you're saying and can respect it, but don't agree w/ the aftermath. May I also add that I think it is silly for people to suggest the NIKE commercials w/ Lebron & Kobe are NBA Final commercials...Dwight has stated that he feels it is offensive to have the commercials running, but his deal w/ Adidas, not NIKE lol - so I miss the big deal everyone is making. I don't think the commercials are pointless now because again, they are NIKE commercials.
Depending on what he was going for this season from Game 1, I understand his pain totally. I feel I would have done the samething, if I achieved all he did this season and to fall even short of making the finals would have hurt me deeply.
The media is quick to praise him and put him in the limelight so fast to only have haters within it, even quicker to call him out for this. It's one incident, he's 24 and will be the face of the league for a long time coming, so it should be a non issue since the finals are about to get underway.
Great points CathrynMarie and Christopher, I love the fact that I can write something that brings people together for discussion. This is truly a great moment for GAME TIME...I totally believe in sportsmanship, however my problem is with the media group in which I also belong...I cannot stand how they are taking all these shots at LeBron, and he has been nothing but good if not great to them throughout the years.
I assume that he lost his cool, and like the rest of us on planet Earth...he is going to make mistakes, even after the fact during the time in which he did talk to the media.
It is what it is...and hopefully the LeBron talk calms down by Thursday...LOL!
Good write up A!
Its damn near disgusting how the media always try to find flaws where there is only good.
Here's a guy(LeBron)who is the face of the league and his only off the court issue was going 120 in his S-series Benz! David Stern should be thanking God every night for a guy like Lebron.
A the media need a guy like you man. Somebody who actually played a sport before who can relate to sport related emotion. Its ridiculous how out of everything LBJ does for his team and the league that people decide to bring this insignifcant act to the forefront.
Come on writers, there's more stories out there!
Oh and A, I aint really buying Lebron wearing the Black Label. It tends to be a little more tight fitting and sizes don't get that big. LeBron is rich though so you know how that is.
Quick RL lesson LOL.
Good work A!men
Thanks Jack...its good to see that great intelligent minds still think alike. I don't want to give excuses or too many opinions on the subject...I just find it interesting and lame that we are this close to the Finals and all the talk is about LBJ.
Like you said...all that he does for the NBA and now this...oh and he was the man when he game home from China with the gold medal.
To quote Jay-Z...it was all good just a week ago...
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