Age of innocence
"I'm from where they ball, and breed rhyme stars..."
Jay- Z - Where I'm From
Boys to Men
When I was growing up my father would say a lot of things that I'm sure he learned in his youth. One of his most famous sayings to my brother and I was "son, you're going to be a man, much longer than you're going to be a boy..." and then he would either smile or let out a hearty laugh. I didn't know what he was talking, and or laughing about until recently. Now, as an adult that statement makes perfect sense, as I have responsibilities far beyond my young mind would have ever allowed.
Nevertheless with age comes wisdom if you allow it, and I have embraced my years, as I try to learn something new everyday.
I was born in West Philadelphia, and I've lived in other places, such as Brooklyn, and Suitland, Maryland, which in looking back, they have all shaped who I am today making me well versed and rounded. Back in 1994, I met someone that was also from Philadelphia, and not only had he lived in other places in the United States, but he and his family, had also lived in Italy, and France. Interestingly enough I was introduced to Kobe Bryant in a gym, as his oldest sister Sharia introduced us after her volleyball match. I'd been running my mouth to her about how "great" I was as a basketball player, and instead of entertaining my banter she got her sibling, and that ended anything I could say in reference to basketball.
As I've grown in journalism, so too has Kobe as an international icon. I consider him as the "now" in the pantheon of past NBA legends. Disagree if you will, but I will stick to this claim, because like him or not, there is nothing that Bryant cannot do on the court, and for that fact alone, it makes him one of the best. After the game in Philadelphia, Earl "The Pearl" Monroe, wanted nothing more than to shake Kobe's hand, and take a few pictures along side him. If that isn't a sign of respect, then I don't know what is.
I wanted to interview them both, as they represent what Philadelphia basketball is all about. However while I did speak with Monroe, he didn't have time for questions and answers, and I, because of our mutual respect, figured that Kobe would sit for a spell and talk, but I didn't take into account that his family and friends were at the game, so the stage was set, for an interview two days later in DC.
I drove to the nation's capital with fellow journalists Jeff Young, and Michael Tillery. Jeff is from DC, so after I taped a segment for BET News, we headed over to Howard University to catch up with friends (Chevonne, Mr. Hill), and then trekked over to the world famous Ben's Chili Bowl for some half smokes and fries...Jeff had the chili burger sub.
After filling our appetite with some good food, and nostalgic tunes, we headed over to the Verizon Center to cover what turned out to be a very entertaining game. During the 1st quarter I received a reassuring text message from Bryant's agent Rob Pelinka, saying "KB said he would try his best to give you 5 mins after the game..."
From there, I organized my questions, and analyzed the game. Afterward, true to his word, I spoke with Kobe about his latest sneaker from Nike, the Zoom Kobe IV, and the misnomer about the "suburban" tag that people so often bestow upon him.
Watch the video below for the interview with Kobe Bryant:
Great interview. There is a different feel to these interviews to the other Kobe interviews, we have seen. I'm glad you were able to catch up to him to get these answers, especially on the IV's.
The IV's are very low cut...but no one says anything about Mike Bibby Playing in Low Cut Jordan's? Then again...Kobe is Kobe. Nice suit Ant lol. Great interview and good write.
Hey guys, I had a lot of fun with this one...it's not everyday that you can both represent your hometown, as well as interview the best player in the game. To Mr Bru Cru, I agree, there are plenty of people that play in low cut sneakers, Steve Blake, Gilbert Arenas...so it's good to see Kobe emerge with his new sneaker. I'm looking forward to the day when they release, so I can play in them.
AG i know you watched the la v heat game tonight... did you hear the comment by the female journalist that said it should be illegal that kobe had his new lows on when everyone else has hi tops? i wanted to call you soon as i heard that. lol
I know right...I had several issues with her reporting. She said, this is the new Zoom...Kobe's shoe...it's his 4th shoe.
I was like what? And to add insult to injury...the Lakers lost.
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