"Well I can tell by your game...you're gonna start a flame..."
Ohio Players - Fire
A few weeks ago I covered the Cavaliers versus Nets game in the Meadowlands...and everyone in the world knows that I'm pro Kobe Bryant, however I walked away from that game with a new found respect for the man who would become KING.
By Any Means Necessary
The James Gang dismantled the Nets that night, and before entering the visitor's locker room...LeBron took a minute to catch up with Jay-Z, as it was interesting to see the true friendship and bond between the titans.
Once the media availability started, I was happy to see fellow journalist, and fraternity brother Chris Broussard from ESPN the Magazine. He and I haven't seen each other in a while, and after catching up, I introduced him to the frat brothers we have in common on the Cavaliers...Lorenzen Wright, and Assistant Coach Melvin Hunt.
We spoke at length with Wright and Hunt, so much so that our opportunity to interview James had passed...but LeBron cares so much about his culture and heritage, that I honestly believe he gave Broussard and I the time to speak with him because he wants our people to work and stick together. None of us have anything against anyone else, it's just nice to see one of the top athletes in the world not only talk the talk, but walk it also.
LeBron is a friend, and the way he looks out for the African-American community, is a beautiful thing.
Class act all the way and it's good to see someone of his calibur devote that time and be genuinely engaged during the interview even though I'm sure his time was in demand.
LeBron is one of the best...at 24 years old he's young, but it's like he's been here before. It's difficult to explain. He's just a good person.
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